Friday, 8 March 2013


It's not often in life that you have that 'special' relationship.You know, the one that you know is yours and only yours, the one that just feels so right..the one that..well, it just fits..
Some people attain this relationship multiple times in their lives (and we all know what kind of person that is..), some people never at all (cue violin) ..but more commonly - and for the purpose of what I'm saying - more romantically, some people only ever have this relationship once in their lives. The relationship I'm talking of is of course the relationship between man or woman and their first ever pair of Levis 501's.
For those who don't know, Levis 501's are jeans designed by a company steeped in American history..but I suppose that's another story for another time...Levis 501's are jeans designed to fit and will, if ya treat 'em right, shrink to fit you and only you. Good eh?
Right so, when buying your Levis 501's make sure you get the 501 'shrink-to-fit' style and be sure to get 1" larger than your actual waist size and 3" longer in the inseam. As soon as you get home (or into a public toilet  if you're really impatient) put them on and wear them. Wear them till you're blue in the face (not literally obviously..) but wear them loads.loads and loads and loads. "What about washing them?"I hear you say? - Well, here's the thing, what you have to do is just not wash them. Some people may have a problem with is. Some may not. The ones that don't are probably going to have the better jeans. I'm not saying don't wash them at all ever.But just leave it a while before you do.
And when you do; 
- Turn them inside out (to preserve the colour)
- Soak them for 20 minutes with a teeny weeny bit of soap
- Let them drip dry (over the shower or bath or something) until they are damp
- When they're still damp,put them on. Obviously don't go out with them on when they're still damp.Let them dry onto you and as they do they will literally do what they say in the title - 'Shrink to fit'. 
Bloody brilliant. 
We love Levis. 


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